Hey Girlfriend

A lot of folks do not know that friendship requires as much work like any other relationship. We presume ‘friends’ are there for a fun time and taking selfies for the gram, then go ahead to brag on cutting people off just because of some disagreements. It baffles me even more, that these same people are so willing/comfortable in dealing with difficulties in their sexual relationships as opposed to facing or having a real conversation with a friend. At the end of the day,we probably just have 1 or 2 friends out of the 30 we talk to(I mean you knew this already right?). So whose fault is it?

Who was supposed to teach us about friendship and how much we need it probably even more than any other relationship we may form. Ladies, just because a guy is capable of putting his penis inside of you with the possibility of making you cum(which rarely ever happens, I should add), doesn’t make your relationship superior to the one you have with your girls. I know a lot of ladies that do this. Act all high and mighty just cause your boyfriend is around and maybe even go ahead to embarrass another girl(intentionally or not), just to prove a point. I have been in this situation; the receiver most especially and maybe the giver too, and it truly isn’t a great feeling.

Like I asked, whose fault is it?
Is it the church, for telling us more about marriage than Christ himself?.
Is it our parents, for being so traditional thereby putting every boy in our lives over us?. Or is it our schools, that makes it a forbidden act to be seen with a guy; therefore the forbidden fruit becomes the most desired?
Whose fault is it really?
I think it is all of it and it also has a lot more to do with the person but what do I know right? I am no Scientist/Therapist with a legitimate thesis to prove, I’m just a Girl telling you my observation and also saying that I need to do more as a Friend so I don’t have any of my folks left out or feeling terrible cause of my action/inaction.

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