Goodbye, Hello!

Goodbye, 2023…

It sure is easier saying goodbye to events that had a negative tune to them sparking an even more excited hello to the next chapters. However, the opposite played out for me between 2023 and 2024.

Catch up on my thoughts on 2023

Being in the early days of a new year, I still am on the high of what 2023 was for me. My year of happiness. I truly do not remember a time last when I wasn’t filled with joy and awe of what my life had become. It is also a bit shocking to say or rather write this when it was the year for the first time when I left the least digital print.

gold gerry at kino open mic screening
Gold Gerry at Kino Open Mic Screening

I made zero blog entries and three Instagram posts which were all work-related by the way. 365 days all gone and barely any social record of it but boy do I tell you I was at my happiest that I sometimes attempt to relive them.

Might be silly to detail them now as it may seem nuanced to you as a reader but I’ll tell you two things…

First, I loved was loved to the deepest definition of the word. I woke up each morning with a zest of the wonder of how much more beauty and happiness can one feel and baby, I felt it all.

Second, I fulfilled a two-year plan of relocating to one of the most glamorous cities in the world and I still can’t believe I’m here.

…honey, I’m in London!

So, is goodbye appropriate for the most magical year of my life? I think not, rather I say hello! Cause baby I have unlocked something in the universe and I can never go back to how bleak my life used to be.

Hello, 2024!

This feels just like 2017. Fresh off uni and walking the streets of Lagos in search of a job in Media. What a time that was but oh how I have grown but you know what has stayed? My passion!

Since being here, I have attended four creative events, one of which I screened my short film BOO’D UP. Being in these spaces has invigorated a much-needed fire within me to just create, build and do my shii. I have felt inspired meeting young creatives who are pursuing their goals and making strides in the industry here and I want to do the same.

While in pursuit of my passion, I am also doing my post-graduate and enjoying the hectic process of reading, research and assessment writing as well. For the most part last year, as much as I was happy, I felt stagnant. I felt as though I had reached my limit in Lagos and I needed more so living here (literally everything inspires creativity), I plan on using everything/everyone around me to reach my goals.

Someone told me the other night that I was direct, which if you know me personally, wouldn’t be surprising as I am very open with my communication and expressing my feelings. Therefore I have figured out what my theme of the year is, live fearlessly.

I think it is so easy to speak about chasing your passion and putting yourself out there but in reality, that shii is scary af but baby, what have I got to lose? I’m in a new city, I feel like a whole new bitch and I am ready to try new strategies and take my creativity/future by the balls.

I want to be remembered
I want to know that I did my best and left it all on the field
I want to be happy
I want to feel inspired
I want to be wealthy

…so you see? I have no choice but to be fearless.

New Year Resolutions

One thing I miss about crossing over with my family is my mum forcing us to write down our New Year resolutions.

Those were very minor and sometimes frivolous I thought but I do think it is important to not only reflect on the year you’ve had in terms of accomplishments, finances and career but also on who you were/are as a person.

My New Year resolution is to become more patient.

I want to extend patience to those I love and interact with daily in the way I speak with them because I think it is an important way to show love which I haven’t been great at in previous years. Extending this patience to myself is also important to me especially seeing as this is my year of living fearlessly, I would fight harder to be patient with my growth and progress.

Alright, I believe you are all caught up in my life now, so what about you? Did you say goodbye and hello to 2024? And what are your resolutions for the new year?

You know what? Maybe one of your resolutions could be engaging with my content starting with this one, leave a comment below so I know you got to the end!

As usual, thank you so much for reading.

I love you and I hope you have a fabulous year!!

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