Is it easier to be with an Old fling/Ex or Someone new?

I have been doing a lot of thinking,as to why its quite difficult for some people to move on from someone most especially when they know that this person is totally wrong for them. Is it the lack of not knowing one’s value,love blindness,fear or just plain stupidity?;I’m so unsure. I have found myself in a situation like this before,and I used to tell myself that it’ll get better but nah bro I was still the same person going back. My old fling made me feel warm,comfortable and better. He also made me feel stupid and worthless at times,not necessarily because I let him,all for the fact that I wanted him to just be there.

I’ve noticed that the fear of starting something new terrifies a lot of people,and am not just referring to relationships but also starting a new business/work,taking a new class,meeting people,trying a new food,travelling or going to places you’ve never been to before. There’s always the fear of the unknown,which is why we settle for the things that we already have or know just to avoid the awkward moment of something new.

You know,in as much as I absolutely love being around people and meeting people all the time,the thought of it scares me. I worry too much(not so much of the negatives though) but usually about the fact that I just have to start again. The whole process of meeting someone new especially in a romantic way scares and drains me emotionally. I’m going to have to start telling you about my background,history,what I do,what am about,aspirations,etc my goodness I cant stand this part of the dialogue. So I think I understand it when someone wants to stay with someone they’ve been involved with for a while than get along with someone totally new to the scene. The basic excuse you’ll hear from people mostly from girls is “I’ll rather stay with him and his bad attitude because am used to it already,why would I go to someone new instead”;in other wards the devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know. It may seem sad and horrifying but the basic truth is its the reality.

Which is why we have lots of relationships with weights that no one really knows about;not even their closest pals. So the question is ‘Is it easier to be with someone you were into/ex or someone new? For me its easier to deal with an old bullshit than start up with someone new,not for the reasons I stated earlier but for the fact that I am just tired of going through the same journeys,telling my stories to someone I think may understand me and why I act/think in certain ways and then have the person turn around and do the same thing to me. And at this point,I’m not interested in anything if it ain’t going to be mind blowing with crazy attraction in all areas.

So what do you think. Would you rather have a fling around you or have a new thing going on,let me know in the comments below.


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